Chef Table Living is Bringing Food Walk Tours to the Hottest Edmonton Neighbourhoods

Add a food walking tour to your #datenight inspiration this spring because Chef Table Living is bringing exclusive food tours to your favourite neighbourhoods.

Starting March 19, 2022, you’ll be able to choose from afternoon or evening tours exploring three new locations, tasting chef creations at each location.

First up: 124th Food Walk Tour

Food Walk Tour 124 Street 

March 19 to April 9, 2022

(Insert a gallery that features the description of the afternoon tour, and evening tour, side by side within the web content, and button to buy tickets)

Ready to tour? Here’s what you should know before you go:

  • Tickets should be booked in advance, and can be purchased online, here. Tickets start at $55/children and $82/adult.

  • There are both afternoon and evening tours available. The location remains in the same neighbourhood, but with a bit of a different itinerary.

  • You’ll have a bit of an idea of what food to expect on the menu, with the final flavours and details, chosen on the tour. We love this! It gives you an element of what to expect but still a bit of surprise for the tour!

  • The average walking distance is about ten minutes between stops on the food tour. You can expect to get in about 2.5 km worth of steps, per tour.

  • Alcohol is not included in the tour, but can be ordered off the menu at the restaurant.

  • Make sure you note any allergies at the time of booking your tickets. This will give the chef at

    each location the opportunity to customize the dish.

    Visit to book your food tour tickets and make sure you’re following along with @cheftableliving to learn about upcoming tours.


There’s a Brand New Photo Booth in Town (and we’re giving away a rental package for your next event or party!)


Things to do in Edmonton this Weekend - March 18-20, 2022